For years, companies have been bogged down in spreadsheets
and cabinets full of paperwork to maintain their compliance
programs. Kurrio makes compliance easy so you can focus on
the things that make your business unique.
Kurrio was conceived 20 years ago as a means to automate the complex compliance requirements of the nuclear industry. It was developed over a period of 12 years by a team of training and compliance professionals, using thousands of man hours of research, coding, and testing.
As compliance experts we found that none of the current software products were specifically designed to work in an industrial environment with refreshers, revisions, and recurring requirements. Some are too simple. Some are too complex. And we found that none of the other software products have the flexibility and integration that makes Kurrio the scalable business system that works for any size business.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec tetur do adipiscing elit ut odio tortor quam enim ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec tetur do adipiscing elit ut odio tortor quam enim ipsum.
Corporate Office
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